This Spanish Hacienda style residence employs semi-formal masses arranged around a rear Courtyard with a low key Entry. The Owners wanted an authentically styled and scaled home that would appear natural in the landscape as though it had been built many years ago. The residence employs a variety of exterior spaces including Loggias, Trellises and open Terraces stepped into the landscape.
The home seems to unfold as one proceeds up the driveway and continues to reveal itself as one proceeds around and into the rear Courtyard to the Entry. Generous use of finely shaped “dry-stack” Carmel stone retaining walls nestle the home into the site framed by many oak trees. The interior rooms are carefully proportioned to feel spacious but not excessive. The Owners wished to “live in” all of the rooms of their home, such that superfluous or gratuitous rooms or room sizes was eliminated. The result is a home rich in character which fits their lifestyle beautifully.
“By any standard, I am probably one of the most opinionated and difficult clients to work with! However, working with James was an absolute pleasure and he made the process of building a dream home a breeze.
We were looking for an architect who could carefully listen, envision, and help us bring to life all the ideas we had in our minds and not only did he contribute his ideas and expertise in a professional manner but he did so by being extremely respectful of our desired plans. Rather than pushing his agenda, he always made us feel as though he was enhancing and building upon our original ideas. As a result, we are so happy to be living in a house that is a wonderful collaboration of our ideas enhanced beautifully by James’ architectural contributions. ”